Quick Start


To try Matrex, first you need to download it.
Go directly to the Matrex package download page or read more about it.

Choose the version for your operating system and download it:
  1. matrex_2_0_win32.jar for Windows (tested on XP)
  2. matrex_2_0_linux_gtk.jar for Linux, using GTK
  3. matrex_2_0_macosx_x86_64.app.dmg  for MacOSX 64 bits
  4. matrex_2_0_generic.jar for other architectures
In the case of MacOSX what you download is an application bundle. It should just be needed to download the file and double-click on it to install it to the desktop.
In the other cases the file you download is an executable Jar file. You need to have JRE (Java runtime environment) installed to run it.
Generally you start the installation double-clicking on it.
If this does not work, open a command prompt or a shell, go to the directory where you downloaded the setup file, and write:

java -jar matrex_2_0_xxx.jar

where matrex_2_0_xxx.jar is the file you want to install.
This will start the IzPack setup for the Matrex product. You just need to follow the instructions.


After you installed it, you can give it a try.
Double-click on the Matrex icon on your desktop.
If it does not work, go to the directory (folder) in which you installed Matrex and execute matrex_start.jar, double-clicking on it or, from a shell/command line, execute:

java -jar matrex_start.jar

(for the MacOSX it is  java -XstartOnFirstThread -jar matrex_start.jar)
If still it does not start, please verify that the "java" executable is in the global path.

The generic setup

If you installed the generic version, start matrex_start.jar from the shell/command line in the top Matrex directory. Matrex will try to install SWT from the internet.
Please answer to the question it asks (if you have a proxy, which proxy, from which site you want to install SWT).
If everything goes well, start Matrex once again. From this time the application should start as usual, displaying the GUI.


Once it is started, what you do with it?

Well, first you can try some examples.
In the projects directory of the Matrex installation you can find these examples:
To open these projects:
  1. Menu File->Open project
  2. In the open file-dialog go to the project's directory and open the file project.mxp
The project matrexdb, which tests the ability of Matrex to work with databases, is available separately.

Connect to a Matrex Server

To use remote projects in a Matrex Server, after you installed Matrex, you need to:
More on this in the server documentation and in the remote projects context help.

In Summary

To understand how to use Matrex, give a look:
In case of doubts or problems, check the FAQ.