The Plugins Adminstration
is distributed with a set of function templates to work with common
problems. If you need more function templates you can add them in form
of plugins. A plugin is composed by:
- a set of compiled java classes in a directory or jar file, containing the code that calculates the functions.
- a set of template description files, one for each template function, which are xml files describing the template functions and their input/output parameters.
To install these plugins, you need to:
- copy the template description files under the directory <matrexroot>/template.
- make sure that matrex loads the java classes with the templates code.
version 1.3, to let Matrex load the java classes with the templates
code was not easy. You had to manually edit the Matrex batch file to
insert their directories or jar files in the classpath.
Version 1.3 uses a custom class loader, that loads the classes in the directories and jar files described in the plugins.cld file in the configuration directory.
To change the content of this file it is recommended to use the plugins administration dialog:
To add a jar file containing the plugin's java classes, press the Add Jar button. It opens a standard Open File dialog that allows you to select the jar file.
To add a directory containing the plugin's java classes, press the Add Directory button. It opens a standard Open Directory dialog that allows you to select the directory.
Selecting one or more rows (directories or jar files) and pressing the Remove button, the rows are removed from the file.
The changes are not commited to the plugins.cld file until you press the Save button, which also closes the dialog.
To close the dialog without saving the changes in the plugins.ld file, press the Cancel button.