The Expression Parser Names Generation Rules
The names of the functions and packages produced by the expression parser are generated with the following rules:
- If it is possible, the
function or matrix gets the name of the template of the related call in
the expression. If the expression is log(test1)+exp(test2) the matrices and functions
related to the call “log(test1)” get the
“log” name.
- If there is
already a matrix or function called in
the same way in the same package, at the end of the name is
added a “1” character. In the previous example the
matrix and function get the “log1” name.
- If
again there is already a matrix or function
called “<template><N>”
in the same package, where <template> is the name
of the template and <N> is the number at the end of the
name, the name becomes
“<template><N+1>”. In
the previous example “log2” or
“log3”, “log4” ....